Lanarkshire Bonsai Club Meeting 07/02/2016

Our second club meeting of the year was held yesterday at Wattston Bonsai. The weather was foul outside so our numbers were fewer this month. There was a lot of seasonal chat and some even managed to get some work done on their trees.

Dougie and Gerry in conversation with a new member whose name I haven’t got to grips with yet.


Some trees are beginning to emerge from the pollytunnels and finding their way to the outside bench


This corner was full of people until I pulled my camera out of the bag


This is Gerry’s latest acquisition, a nice chuhin white pine


Club member Gordon’s pyracantha


Here are 2 that Dougie was prepping for the webshop. A shohin white pine and a seka hinoki.



A new tree for our new member, white pine, pinus parviflora.


2 thoughts on “Lanarkshire Bonsai Club Meeting 07/02/2016

  1. Pingback: Lanarkshire Bonsai Club Meeting 07/02/2016 | Robert Nocher Shohin Bonsai | Wolf's Birding and Bonsai Blog

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