Lanarkshire Bonsai Club Meeting 07/02/2016

Our second club meeting of the year was held yesterday at Wattston Bonsai. The weather was foul outside so our numbers were fewer this month. There was a lot of seasonal chat and some even managed to get some work done on their trees.

Dougie and Gerry in conversation with a new member whose name I haven’t got to grips with yet.


Some trees are beginning to emerge from the pollytunnels and finding their way to the outside bench


This corner was full of people until I pulled my camera out of the bag


This is Gerry’s latest acquisition, a nice chuhin white pine


Club member Gordon’s pyracantha


Here are 2 that Dougie was prepping for the webshop. A shohin white pine and a seka hinoki.



A new tree for our new member, white pine, pinus parviflora.


Pyracantha Angustifolia in Development

This is a shohin sized Pyracantha, which was imported from Japan at the start of this year. I am a big fan of this variety, which can produce a magnificent show of bright orange berries in the autumn. It was the taper and movement in the trunk that initially attracted me to this particular specimen, even though it wasn’t in the best of condition when it arrived in this country. The tree had clearly been neglected for some time prior to being exported to the UK and was badly in need of a re-pot. It was offered to me at a bargain price so it was worth taking a chance on it.

The first picture shows the tree after it was re-potted in the spring. At first, it pushed out new leaves, which turned yellow and died almost immediately. This continued for about 2 months before it began to stabilise. It has produced a few flowers this year but not a single berry.


The second picture shows how it looks at the moment. I’m pleased to say it looks a lot healthier now than it did at the start of the season. I have allowed the tree to grow unchecked to regain vigour and look forward to next season when the refining work can begin.